Zachariah Cole, age 31, Colonial Lawns, Bath.Kurtiss Farrell, age 32, Homeless, Bath.James Hillegus, age 25, Colonial Lawns, Bath.Abdul Franklin, age 33, E William St, Bath.Kimberly Jerrells, age 45, Purdy St, Bath.Michael Mccanna, age 36, homeless, Bath.Brian Robbins, age 36, Roosevelt Ave, Bath.Each subject was issued an appearance ticket returnable to Bath Village Court at a later date. These charges stem from their failure to complete court ordered community service as ordered by Bath Village Court. Aphasiology, 37(7), 954-979.In the last two weeks, the Village of Bath Police Department has arrested the following people on pending charges of Criminal Contempt in the second degree.
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Word retrieval treatments in aphasia: A survey of professional practice. Ĭommunication Disorders/ Special Education IoT health devices: Exploring security risks in the connected landscape. Reducing complexity, signaling, and the pathways to nonsensical policy. Shoreline management and coastal resilience in Virginia: Analysis of the roles of environmental nonprofit organizations in encouraging living shorelines. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 9(1), 28-52. Competition and sensegiving: Nonprofit markets and organizational signaling. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management. Managing ambiguity: Salesperson bricolage behavior and its organizational determinants. Journal of Advertising Research, 63(2), 109-122. Why the experiential view is vital to marketing communications research now. Do salesforce management systems actually drive salesperson intentions? Industrial Marketing Management, 113, 42-57. Immersed in Coleman's bathtub: Multilevel dynamics driving new venture survival in emerging markets. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 1-12. Method toward network embedding within homogeneous attributed network using influential node diffusion-aware. Journal of the Operational Research Society. The cost of carrier consistency: Last-mile delivery by vehicle and drone for subscription-based orders. International Journal of Data Science, 8(2), 124-137. Cloud service quality: A research roadmap. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 19(2), 1-13.

Data privacy enhancing in the IoT user/device behavior analytics. Information Technology/ Decision Sciences Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, 29(1), 29-42. An asymmetric panel error-correction model of Australian office rents. The choice of technology in economic development. Information shocks and celebrity exposure: The effect of "Magic" Johnson on AIDS diagnoses and mortality in the U.S. Colleges and upward economic mobility: The distinctive contribution of HBCUs. Hasseldine (Ed.), Advances in Taxation (Vol. Investor reaction to the international provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Studies in Latin American Popular Culture, 41(1), 21-44. ¡ Nakíssimo! Transnational identities, cultural tourism, and the aesthetics of consumption in NaCo clothing. Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 20(1), 89-109. The role of procedural justice in policing: A qualitative assessment of African Americans' perceptions and experiences in a large U.S. How social group memberships interact to shape partisanship, policy orientations, and vote choice. How educational attainment moderates the recursive relationship between policy orientations and partisanship. Part E, Logistics and Transportation Review, 176, 1-20, Article 103179. Impacts of household vulnerability on hurricane logistics evacuation under COVID-19: The case of U.S. H-Net Reviews in the Humanities and Social Sciences, 1-2.ĭiaz, R., B. On Heidegger's conception of emotion, which is to say, Husserl's conception of time: An analysis of Befindlichkeit and temporality. Enabling social entrepreneurship: Examining the impact of state, market and religious factors. Improving reliability in assessing integrative learning using rubrics: Does group norming help? Research & Practice in Assessment, 18(1), 19-32.Īmini Sedeh, A., R. Technical Communication Quarterly, 32(3), 224-241. Expanding the scope and scale of risk in TPC: Water access and the Colorado River Basin. Existence as insistence: Dance Theatre of Harlem chronicles an organization's prescience. US regional newspapers and Instagram: A content analysis. More faculty publications are available in our institutional repository, ODU Digital Commons. These updates are produced from various subscription databases of the University Libraries and may NOT include all publications.